E6S-028 Powerful Presentations - Part 1

Intro:  Welcome to the E6S-Methods podcast with Jacob and Aaron, your source for expert advice on Lean, Six Sigma, and performance improvement methods. In this episode number 28: Powerful Presentations Part 1, we discuss the key points to knowing your audience to keep them engaged.  We also introduce the E6S Presentation Planning Tool.  Key Point for that Powerful Presentation: Play to what your Participants Prefer.  Here we go. 

***Play to what your Participants Prefer***                                                                        

Objection 1: I just like to wing-it. I think fast on my feet, and don't really need to plan my presentations based on the audience, etc..If I leave something out of a presentation,                                               

Counter 1: You may be good enough to wing it.  But watch people who don't wing it. (Motivational speakers, TED Talks… etc.)  Then watch the people who do wing it…. They read from note cards, or the slides, and fail to make contact with the audience.

Objections 2:  I ALWAYS get asked a questions that requires me to go back and get that information.  I much rather just put it in everything."

Counter 2: You cannot prepare for every single question, but you can prepare a solid defense of the material you are presenting.  To appease those who require more information, you can offer to cover that in private with the individual or append your defense material somewhere handy in anticipation of such questions, but you would not refer to it until asked."                                                                                                                                                           

I            A little extra effort and planning can have a noticeable improvement on how a well a meeting/presentation is managed.                  

a.       Presentation Planning Guide; Link to purchase: (Click Here)

i.      Inputs:

1.      Who's the audience? 

2.      What are their values, goals, interests?

3.      What should they Know, Feel, Do

ii.      Outputs: How you will engage the audience and present the information

1.      Engaging Story

2.      Group Work, Game, Simulation,

3.      Flipchart

4.      Powerpoint                                                     

II         Tips and tools to set the right tone for presentations                       

a.       Decide how interactive you will be with the participants…

i.      Things to consider:

1.      Corporate Culture/Norms. Be mindful of the company culture and what level of interaction is warranted.

a.       Is humor ok?  How much?

2.      Hierarchy. Who’s in the audience, and how does that relate to you? Be mindful of hierarchy, norms surrounding humor, and any questions that may put your leadership on their heals. Protect you’re audience’s EGOs.          

III      How a message is presented affects how the information is received and is therefore as important as the message itself.                       

a.       Assume all profiles of the DiSC model are present in your audience, and speak to each profile, but not in the same priority. - Touch on all aspects of the DiSC  profiles.  Take care of D first, then C.  Entertain the I's and keep the S's interactive and safe                                  

i.      Secret Formula: Spoil-it, then prove it in an engaging and fun manner.

1.      Keep it Short (For everyone’s sake) 

2.      Bottom Line Up-front (BLUF) for the High D’s, then prove it for the High C’s.

a.       Start with the end. No cliff-hangers, No long chronological stories.  Cut right to the conclusion. This will give the High D the information they want.  They may choose not to pay attention to the rest of the presentation, and that’s ok.  You’ve already reached them.   

3.      Add nuggets of analysis, (charts, graphs, stats, etc) as evidence you’ve done your due diligence, and you’re not making it up for the High C’s.

a.       In anticipation of further High C questions, you may elect to have more analysis handy in a file or appendix. Don’t offer unless asked for it.

4.      Emphasize how your work fits with the big picture, and what excitement “could come” from this work.  This is for the High I’s, creative dreamers.  Idea people but not “doers.”

5.      Make it collaborative and social to engage both the High I’s and S’s

a.       Discuss the Pros & Cons for a few options

i.      This will engage all the D, I, S, & C’s. for a short time, but keep it under control.

b.      Ask for input into future recommendations

c.       Maybe hold back on definitive solutions, or at least present a plan for evaluating and addressing risks relative to change (for the High S’s)

Outro: Thanks for listening to episode 28 of the E6S-Methods Podcast.  Stay tuned for episode number 29, where we discuss the rules of thumb for the effective use of PowerPoint. Subscribe to past and future episodes on iTunes or stream us live on-demand with Stitcher Radio. Follow us on twitter @e6sindustries. Find us on LinkedIn to join a discussion. Outlines and graphics for all shows are posted on our website, www.E6S-Methods.com. “Journey Through Success”