E6S-072 The 8 Wastes: Go the extra MILE MR TOYOTA- Part 1

Intro:  Welcome to the E6S-Methods podcast with Jacob and Aaron, brought to you by E6S Industries, your source for expert training, coaching, and leadership consulting in continuous performance improvement methods like Lean and Six Sigma. In this episode number 72 we introduce the 8 wastes in Part 1 of the series, “Go the extra MILE MR TOYOTA!”  Here we go. http://bit.ly/e6s-072; http://bit.ly/E6S-iTunes

Objection 1:  These wastes are over-rated, and some of these things are necessary or required, and we cannot eliminate them.

Counter 1: It is true that some wastes cannot be eliminated, but it is important not to lose sight of them.  Often, things that are “required” are usually not as required as we think; at least not in the manner we do them.  Sarbanes Oxley, ISO, and other regulatory requirements usually only ask for proof of compliance. They don’t dictate the processes we used to prove it. But people often hide behind this when they don’t know any better, and their jobs hinge on the old way.  Consultants are also to blame.

Objection 2:  I see these wastes, but cannot convince others or figure out a way to eliminate them.

Counter 2: We will go in more depth in later episodes to address this issue.

Objection 3:  Everyone knows about these wastes.  This is old stuff, is easy, and not worth revisiting.

Counter 3: I wish I could agree with this. Yes it’s old, but it’s still new to many.  Even more new is guidance on how to fix it.  Most information out there only teaches you what it is, but few talk about how to recognize it and how to reach for the root causes to eliminate it.                          


I      Go the extra MILE:

a.       Mitigate – deal with the current state. Make quick wins

b.      Investigate – Seek out root causes

c.       Litigate – debate and negotiate with stakeholders regarding necessary changes

d.      Eliminate – address the root causes and remove the waste

II    What are the 8 wastes & common acronyms to remember   

a.       8 Wastes

1.      Over Production – Making more than you need

2.      Over Processing – Putting in more effort than needed

3.      Inventory – Work-in-process, Queue, Backlog

4.      Transportation – Transporting WIP

5.      Defects – Poor quality. Not right the first time.

6.      Waiting – Equipment and resource downtime

7.      Motion – Excess movement within a work station

8.      Skills – Poor utilization of employee skills    

b.       Acronyms (http://www.lean.org/FuseTalk/Forum/messageview.cfm?catid=46&threadid=6881); http://www.isixsigma.com/community/blogs/twol-wastes-lean, http://leanmanufacturingtools.org/77/the-seven-wastes-7-mudas

i.      DOWNTIME

1.      Defects, Overproduction ,Waiting, Non-utilized/underutilized talent, Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Excess Processing

2.      Defects, Overproduction, Waiting, Non-value added processing, Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Employee/people waste

ii.      TIM WOODS - Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Over Production, Over Processing, Defects, Skills

iii.      TIM P WOOD - Same as TIMWOODS except “P” is for “People” and substitutes for “Skills.”

iv.      U WIT D MOP – Unused Human Talent, Waiting, Inventory, Transportation, Defects, Motion, Overproduction, Processing Waste

v.      TO WISDOM – Transportation, Overproduction, Waiting, Inventory, Skills, Defects, Over processing, Motion

vi.      TOM D WIPS – Transportation, Overproduction, Motion, Defects, Waiting, Inventory, Processing, Skills

vii.      DOTWIMPS – Defects, Overproduction, Transportation, Waiting, Inventory, Motion, Processing, Skills

viii.      WORMPITS – Waiting, Overproduction, Rejects, Motion, Processing, Inventory, Transportation, Skills

ix.      HOSPITAL  (Halting, Over producing, Slips, Processes - Non Value Added, Inventory, Transportation, Action, Lack of Employee Engagement)

x.      other acronyms?;  There are many, so why not make up your own?  Here’s mine:

1.      MR TOYOTA

a.       Motion

b.      Reserves

c.       Transport

d.      Overproduction

e.       Yield Problems

f.       Over processing

g.      Talents

h.      Arrested Assets (now Awaiting Availability)

c.      The 8th waste controversy – Technically, Toyota does not recognize the 8th waste.  The 8th waste of “under-utilized employees, or skills,” was added to Toyota’s 7th waste as a result of the Western (or American) culture of “disrespecting” their workers by employing specialists and disallowing workers to improve their own work areas.  Toyota had no need to identify this waste, as “Respect” for people is part of its core beliefs. (by their cultural definition of respect, which is different than in the US)                       

III         Next episode plans

a.       Will break down each waste into greater detail

i.      Demonstrate how to recognize the wastes in value streams              

ii.      Give examples of each type off waste           

b.      What listeners can do to eliminate or minimize these wastes.                       

i.      Discuss likely common root causes and methods to trace to root causes

ii.      Discuss potential tactics to address some typical root causes.                     

  ***The 8 Wastes: Go the extra MILE MR TOYOTA!: (Mitigate, Investigate, Litigate, Eliminate)***

Outro: Thanks for listening to episode 72 of the E6S-Methods Podcast.  Stay tuned for episode number 73, Part 2 in this series on the 8 wastes, where we go into greater detail on overproduction and inventory, including how to recognize it and tips to improve it.  “Go the extra MILE MR TOYOTA!” If you would like to be a guest on the podcast, contact us through our website.  Join our mailing list!  Subscribe to past and future episodes on iTunes or stream us live on-demand with Stitcher Radio.  Find outlines and graphics for all shows and more at www.E6S-Methods.com. “Journey Through Success”