E6S-110 5S on the Brain - Gabriela Spagnol - Part 1

E6S-110 5S on the Brain - Gabriela Spagnol - Part 1
E6S Industries, LLC

Intro:  Welcome to the E6S-Methods podcast with Jacob and Aaron, your weekly dose of tips and tricks to achieve excellent performance in your business and career.  Join us as we explore deeper into the practical worlds of Lean, Six Sigma, Project Management and Design Thinking.  In this episode number 110 we speak with Gabriela Spagnol about her brain research and insights into why 5S works.  We also discuss her motivations to apply 5S and other lean activities into the Brazilian healthcare system. Be sure to take a look at the show notes or download the presentation for this one.  Here we go. http://bit.ly/E6S-110; Leave a Review! http://bit.ly/E6S-iTunes

Click image to download presentation

Click image to download presentation

Who is Gabriala Spagnol?  (Biography and picture)


I            Introduction

a.       Gabriela graduated with a degree nursing at the University of Campinas (Brazil), but her lean journey started earlier at the University of East London (UK), during a Graduation Sandwich in Health Services Management. Currently, she is a MSc student in Neurosciences at the School of Medical Sciences, University of Campinas. Gabriela studies visual management and 5S at the Brain Research Institute for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (www.brainn.org.br), applying neuroimaging as part of the Research Group for Innovation and Healthcare Management program (www.gigs.org.br/en).


c.       Understanding 5S: How does visual management activate our brain?

 i.      What is 5S? -The 5S system is a part of Lean Manufacturing and consists of:

1.      Sort (Seiri):  Separate items.  Remove anything unneeded on a regular basis (include red tag)

2.      Set-in-Order or Straighten (Seiton): A place for everything, everything in its place

3.      Shine (Seiso):  Cleanup!!!

4.      Standardize (Seiketsu):  Develop daily habits. Continually improve and iterate.

5.      Sustain (Shitsuke): management involvement, incentives and support

d.      In order to enhance patient safety and decrease professional workload, 5S has been applied to organize the healthcare setting. Successful implementation of visual management tools increases efficiency, reduces costs and improves both professional and patient satisfaction. Moreover, Neuroimaging evidences show that people presented with linguistic material respond more efficiently to signs than to verbal language. In this sense, we ask - what happens when we apply 5S? How should we display our tools to improve daily tasks? This lecture will present results of a research that investigated brain activation during different levels of 5S application. Understand how your brain works to improve your workplace.

II         Original research bridging brain research and 5S effectiveness

a.       goes beyond psychology into neuroscience

III      Visual standards improve effectiveness, especially in healthcare

a.       Assure doing no harm

b.      increase patient and nurse satisfaction

i.      decrease infection

IV      Personally motivated by the wrongful death of a 12-year-old Brazilian girl, due to a simple, but critical mistake

a.       Healthcare has a lot to learn from manufacturing

i.      though much of manufacturing has much improvement to make

V         Research shows 5S goes beyond workspace organization, and activates key brain areas

VI      If I can see it, I can fix it

a.       5S makes problems apparent and easy to fix

b.      helps employees engage

VII   5S gives more time to focus on the patient

VIII                      Neuroimaging shows preferencein Coca-Cola branding

a.                   Why not apply also to medicine?

Outro: Thanks for listening to episode 110 of the E6S-Methods podcast.  Stay tuned for episode number 111 where we conclude our interview with Gabriela Spagnol and "5S on the Brain" Part 2.  If you regularly tune into the podcast, do us a favor:  go to iTunes right now and leave a review so we can move up in the ranks and attract more of the guests that you'd like to hear from.  If you know of someone who would make a great guest on the podcast, be sure to let us know.  Follow us on twitter @e6sindustries or start a conversation in our discussion group.   Both Jacob and I are on LinkedIn,  and we accept all invitations.  Don't forget to you can find notes and graphics for all shows and more at www.E6S-Methods.com. "Journey Through Success. If you're not climbing up, you're falling down.  Leave a Review! http://bit.ly/E6S-iTunes