E6S-119 Netted Fishikawa - Cause and Effects Matrix

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Intro:  Welcome to the E6S-Methods podcast with Jacob and Aaron, your weekly dose of tips and tricks to achieve excellent performance in your business and career.  Join us as we explore deeper into the practical worlds of Lean, Six Sigma, Project Management and Design Thinking.  In this episode number 119,  Jacob and I roll out the Cause and Effects matrix in relation to the fishbone diagram.  "Netted Fishikawa." If you like this episode, be sure to click the "like" link in the show notes.  It's easy.  Just tap our logo in the artwork, click and you're done. Tap-click-done!  Here we go.  http://bit.ly/E6S-119  Leave a Review! http://bit.ly/E6S-iTunes


***Netted Fishikawa - Cause and Effects Matrix***                                                                            

Objection 1:  This is painfully long.  Too much discussion.  Too bureaucratic. The problem areas are obvious, let's just do it                                                                           

Counter: Can be bureaucratic.  Especially depending on the audience present.  See Episode 8 on running a team meeting for recognizing when to shift gears/change directions.  If the problems areas are so obvious, why are you doing a LSS project? Why have you gotten this far and not fixed it already?   Too often the obvious problems/solutions are only surface symptoms, and not the root causes. This helps gain a direction, even if it's wrong.  In that manner, at least the "blame" is spread out.                                                                                 

I            What is the Cause & Effects Matrix?

a.       Weighted scoring method to prioritize a large list of options

b.      Other names: C&E, X-Y Matrix, Prioritization Matrix, Relationship Matrix

Click to download free C&E Matrix

Click to download free C&E Matrix

II         How to do a C&E matrix,

a.       Create a grid, multiple rows, multiple columns

b.      Decide on what is a "CTQ," "critical-to," or "Y/output".  Should be multiple.

i.      Head of the fish (output), cost, ease of investigation, time requirements, etc.

ii.      Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost, etc.

iii.      SIPOC Outputs, Ref: http://asq.org/quality-progress/2012/04/back-to-basics/back-to-basics-creative-combination.html

c.       List CTQs across top row

i.      assign CTQ weighting (higher means more important)

d.      List the options (potential root causes, X's/Inputs) to be prioritized down the first column

i.      Connection to Ishikawa. - Smallest bones are the "X's" down the first column

e.       Create rubric rating system - detailed definition for each rating

i.      1-10 rating

ii.      1, 3, 9 rating

f.       Rate all the potential root causes against the CTQs.  X's against Y's

g.      Create a weighted score by multiplying the weight by the rating, and adding them up across the rows

h.      Repeat for all rows.

i.        Sort from high-to-low

j.        Give it a reality check. Make sense? Everyone agrees?

k.      Agree on top priorities and next actions.

III      How to create in excel,  (Image in Show notes) SUMPRODUCT Function                                                          

IV      The secret behind the C&E. Once you escape the "Shu"

a.       Cross functional discussion. That's it. 

i.      Part of stakeholder alignment at all levels, even the project level.

ii.      Make sure there is representation from the affected areas                                                    

V         Other uses of the C&E.

a.       Anything.  Tough decision weighing multiple options

i.      Car purchase, home projects, job prospects, LSS project prioritization

VI      Alternatives

a.       multi-vote,

b.      impact effort matrix,                                                  


*** Netted Fishikawa - Cause and Effects Matrix ***   

Outro: Thanks for listening to episode 119 of the E6S-Methods podcast. Don't forget to click "like" or "dislike" for this episode in the show notes. Tap-click-done!  Stay tuned for episode number 120, where Jacob and I offer a critique to a recent article on evaluating Six Sigma projects.  We love hearing from our listeners and learning about how you use Lean and Six Sigma.  Feel free to email us, aaron@e6s-methods.com, or contact us through our website, we reply to all messages.  Reviews on iTunes are always appreciated and keeps us higher in the ranks and allows us to reach more superstars like you.  Don't forget to you can find notes and graphics for all shows and more at www.E6S-Methods.com. "Journey Through Success. If you're not climbing up, you're falling down?    Leave a Review! http://bit.ly/E6S-iTunes

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