Filtering by: Career

Lean Six Sigma & Project Management Meetup
7:00 PM19:00

Lean Six Sigma & Project Management Meetup

  • Downtown Somerville, New Jersey United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This meetup is a regular opportunity to network with like-minded professionals.  This group is intended for (current, future, or career curious) practitioners of project management and continuous improvement methodologies, like Lean, Six Sigma, TQM, or etc (insert latest rebranding buzzword here). This group is formed to allow parties interested to network, share best practices, gain career insights, and develop an informal support network to aid practitioners caught in project or professional rut.

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Resumes They Will Actually Read - Free Live Webinar
3:00 PM15:00

Resumes They Will Actually Read - Free Live Webinar

Web-based live training, with questions and answers, demonstrating a step-by-step approach to transform accomplishments into powerful metrics-based statements that pass through the “filter” of recruiters and capture the attention of the hiring managers.  Learn how to translate your long technical resume into something an executive will read.  Be one of the few who demonstrates respect for a recruiter’s and hiring manager’s time, by being concise, powerful, and convincing.  Get that interview you’re after.

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