E6S-001 Intro to DMAIC, Lean, 8D, & DFSS - Part 1
- Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control: Phase names for Six Sigma projects
- History: Six Sigma branded by Motorola, popularized by GE, with roots in TQM, Walter Shewhart
- When to use?: when it's a deep-rooted, complex problem, high variation in process, generally yield related
- Tools/terminology: C&E, FMEA, GageR&R, SPC, SIPOC
- PDCA cycle. (Plan, Do, Check, Act) or (Plan, Do, Check, Adjust) (a.k.a. Deming Wheel)
- History: “Lean” term coined to describe the Toyota Production System. Inspired by early Ford production system.
- When to use?: improve productivity and reduce waste
- Tools/Terminology: Takt time, Value Stream Mapping, Kanban, 5S
What's similar between the methods?
Disciplined Phased approaches to problem solving
Common concerns/questions:
- Can there be cases when more than 1 of these methodologies can be applicable?
- What would happen if I choose the wrong methodology to approach a problem?
Recap Episode
Use DMAIC when it's a deep rooted, complex problem, generally yield related. Use Lean to improve productivity and reduce waste. Use 8D for rapid problem solving and corrective action. Use DFSS when designing or redesigning a process or product to a higher performance standard.
***A variety of methods to choose from - The E6S-Methods Toolbox Holds it All***"